


The care requirements of long-eared hedgehogs (“LEH”) and African pygmy hedgehogs (“APH”) differ significantly due to the former’s significantly higher level of activity. Among the variations are the following ones:

Higher-quality cat kibble that is balanced in its nutrition and has additional protein in the diet

We recommend ten to twelve square feet.

There is plenty of unrestricted wandering time outside the cage.

There needs to be more enrichment. When they engage with interactive cat toys, they have fun.

He is a more nimble climber than APH.

Even if there are some LEH that are much bigger than average APH, all creatures come in different shapes and sizes.

Cut your nails merely around the quick if they are quite long.

As opposed to APH’s 5-year average, APH has a 7-year duration.

Inquire with us to find out if a long-eared hedgehog is the right pet for you.

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Selling a baby hedgehog, selling a hedgehog The care requirements of long-eared hedgehogs (“LEH”) and African pygmy hedgehogs (“APH”) differ significantly due to the former’s significantly higher level of activity. Among the variations are the following ones: Hedgehog For Sale

Higher-quality cat chow provides balanced nutrition, but the diet also needs additional protein sources like: A lot of insects, Their favorite foods are raw ground meat, mice, chicks, and other tiny entire prey, as well as raw quail eggs. Greater enclosure sizes. We recommend ten to twelve square feet. There is plenty of unrestricted wandering time outside the cage. There needs to be more enrichment. When they engage with interactive cat toys, they have fun. Hedgehog For Sale

He is a more nimble climber than APH. It typically doesn’t ball up like APH does. But, in moments of fear or agitation, LEH might choose to bite instead. Therefore, we do not advise young children or untrained or nervous handlers to own LEH as a pet. Hedgehog For Sale

Handling them consistently is necessary to keep them submissive and less “bitey.” Even if there are some LEH that are much bigger than average APH, all creatures come in different shapes and sizes. Cut your nails merely around the quick if they are quite long. As opposed to APH’s 5-year average, APH has a 7-year duration. Hedgehog For Sale, long eared hedgehog

Please contact us to see if a long-eared hedgehog is perfect for you. baby hedgehog price

 Baby Hedgehog For Sale

baby hedgehog

baby hedgehog

What is the best way to care for a hedgehog?

There are various options for habitat, but I suggest one or several hide homes, a water bottle, a feeding dish, and a sizable plastic container that has been sanitized and filled with pine shavings. We provide full hedgehog cage setups for our local clients who are picking up their child. Hedgehog For Sale

At minimum, their bedding needs to be changed every 5-7 days. Examine your hedgehogs for toenail reductions; use baby fingernail clippers to trim long nails. Hedgehog For Sale, long eared hedgehog

Your hedgehog will need to be active in some way, and although having a wheel in the cage is an option, I do not advise it for the reasons explained below. Because hedgehogs poop a lot on the wheel, they spend a lot of time in close proximity to their excrement, which can cause urine burns and infections in their feet and nails. Hedgehog For Sale, long eared hedgehog

One option is to give your hedgehog its own playpen. A kiddie pool, an indoor or outdoor playpen, or another sizable sterile container can also be used. It’s not just wheel running that can provide some workout. Long-eared hedgehog price, baby hedgehog toy

Hobbies and enrichment are necessary for hedgehogs. Foraging, exploring the surroundings, excavating new burrows, and discovering unusual smells and objects are among of the ways they achieve this. I make an effort to switch things up each time I put them in their play area. I occasionally reposition the real play area, shifting the hiding places and dispersing food and insects into different spots and corners. baby hedgehog called

Grab some leaves or twigs from outside and let them to smell the unfamiliar smells. Hedgehogs seem to be on a mission to explore and have fun in their playpen, and they are constantly searching for something to do. Your hedgehog would love spending several hours in the pen playing in the evenings. Hedgehog For Sale, long eared hedgehog price


As omnivorous insectivores, hedgehogs need a well-balanced diet. Their food should contain small amounts of plants, protein kibble, worms, and insects. Feeding hedgehogs an excessive amount of fruit can cause loose excrement because they don’t seem to like many veggies. I advise them to choose a complete dry diet that satisfies all of their dietary needs.


For one thing, hedgehogs aren’t very cute—and not just because of their spines. They detest being held, touched, or confined for extended periods of time. Due to their nocturnal lifestyle, hedgehogs are most active at night. It is highly likely that you may encounter resistance and possibly an irritable hedgehog if you attempt to take your hedgehog outside during the day. In the daytime, baby hedgehog care

Keeping things simple is ideal, and you should even allow your baby to slumber on your lap in a pouch. There won’t be any games or prolonged gameplay. At night, when there are no lights, hedgehogs come to life! Right now, they would rather be held and played with. Now is also the time for them to go inside their playpens.

Hedgehog handling and caressing can be challenging at first, but it will quickly become second nature. Sharp spines notwithstanding, they are very manageable, and even novice owners will soon be playing and cuddling their young.

Hedgehog for sale near me, Small pets for sale, Exotic animals for sale


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