

Average Lifespan: Up to 25 Years.

Every day in captivity, fresh produce is needed, along with a reasonable amount of protein. The main components of our diet are eggs, protein biscuits, fruit, and vitamins. Everyday sweets like dates, fig Newtons, graham crackers, or raisins can be provided.

Baby Diet:
Infants nurse from their moms or, if raised by hand, are given simulated milk, which is akin to human baby formula. This facilitates interpersonal relationships and later-life planning.

Size at Adulthood:

Roughly the size and weight of a small rabbit, between one and four pounds.

Minimum Cage size:

Large parrot cages are ideal; for macaws, I like twin cages with lots of nest boxes and hammocks to hang from and sleep in.

Taking Care of a Captive Bushbaby

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Bush Babies For Sale

Average Lifespan: Up to 25 Years.

Every day in captivity, they need fresh produce, a decent amount of protein, and both. Most of our diet consists of eggs, protein biscuits, fruit, and vitamin supplements. You can provide regular goodies like dates, fig Newtons, graham crackers, or raisins. bush babies for sale

Baby Diet:
Infants nurse from their moms or, if raised by hand, are given simulated milk, which is akin to human baby formula. This facilitates interpersonal relationships and later-life planning.

Size at Adulthood:

roughly the size and weight of a small rabbit, between one and four pounds.

Minimum Cage size:

Large parrot cages are ideal; for macaws, I like twin cages with lots of nest boxes and hammocks to hang from and sleep in.

Taking Care of a Captive Bushbaby


They don’t need an especially large enclosure because they are little animals, yet the bigger the better. If a pet Bushbaby had daily access to the house, they would not require a large cage because they would be out of the cage regularly, socializing with their owners. They would get the essential mental and physical exercise from this. For a show or breeding bushbaby, a larger cage would be needed if they are not let outside.

Since they are arboreal, they prefer to spend their time above ground, however they do occasionally descend for enrichment and toys. Branches and a sleeping box are sources of enrichment. Hammocks, swings, and dangling toys are other great options. It’s imperative to shield them from the sun as much as you can. They are quite happy to have company, especially if you are not up at night, and can live together.


Bushies are lightweight, compact, and comfortable to handle or wear on your shoulder. Even our non-hand-raised animals seem to be able to handle minor contact handling without any issues, and they seem to have mild personalities. java macaque monkeys for sale

Bush Babies For Sale

Bush babies for sale FAQs

Do they like baths?
bush babies for sale don’t need to take baths. If needed, you can use baby wipes for a spot clean.

Should I get one or two bush babies for sale so my bushy will not be lonely?
Their life will be more fascinating if they had another bushbaby to play with, as they are nocturnal creatures. Although they don’t need a friend, it’s better for them to have a cage mate.

Do bush babies for sale require Vaccinations or shots?
A qualified veterinarian should vaccinate them against rabies, parvo, and distemper. Also required is deworming every three to six months.

Can I take my bush babies for sale outside?
Sure, if a bushbaby has spent time outside since infancy, they may occasionally venture a short distance from you.

Do bush babies for sale have an odor or offensive smell?
They will leave their mark on their toys and cage because they have smell glands as exotic pets for sale. It is not a strong smell, and it may be controlled with cleaning. You can give their cage a weekly thorough cleaning or just a spot clean every day. To maintain their health, the cage and accessories must be cleaned once a week.

How are exotic animals for sale with other pets?
They will get along with similar-sized animals, but if you introduce any other species, there’s a chance you could hurt one or both of them. buy exotic animals near Canada

bush babies for sale


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